How to Install the VeriForo Android App (APK) Manually

Our Android app is currently awaiting Google Play approval. In the meantime, you can download it directly here:

Download VeriForo APK

Since this app isn’t from the Google Play Store yet, you’ll need to manually install it. Follow the steps below to get started.

  1. Tap the Download VeriForo APK button above.
  2. Your browser may ask for confirmation before downloading. Tap OK or Download Anyway if prompted.

To install an app outside the Google Play Store, your device needs permission:

  • On Android 8.0+:
    1. Open Settings on your phone.
    2. Go to Apps & notifications > Special app access > Install unknown apps.
    3. Select the browser you used to download the APK (Chrome, Firefox, etc.).
    4. Toggle Allow from this source ON.
  • On older Android versions:
    1. Open Settings > Security.
    2. Enable Unknown Sources (you may see a warning—tap OK).
  1. Open your Downloads folder (or swipe down and tap the completed download).
  2. Tap the VeriForo APK file.
  3. If prompted, tap Install.
  4. Once the installation is complete, tap Open to launch the app.

Yes! This APK is the exact same version that will be available on Google Play once approved. We do not modify or alter the installation file in any way.

We will send an email notification to all users once the app is approved on Google Play. If you prefer, you can also follow us on:

Thank you for your patience and support!